Jack - 8 Month Old Calf

Jack - 8 Month Old Calf


Jack, a 8 month old calf presented with a nasty infection. Two months of veterinary treatment failed to clear the infection. Below you will see images of our progress over 10 days:

Treatment protocol: To draw out the infection we used a Green Clay poultice and daily photizo therapy over a 10 day period. The green clay drew out the infection and the Photizo therapy promoted healthy skin growth. The infection had been active for so long that Jacks skin had gone into 'shock' and was unable to regenerate. If you look closely at the wound you can see how the skin is darker in colour, this is necrosis of the skin, which the Photizo therapy was able to reverse by increasing blood flow to the area. Photizo therapy also acts as a form of pain relief, which meant that Jack was as comforable as possible while the wound was being dressed and he was healing.



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