Photizo Light Therapy Rental
Photizo Light Therapy For Rental
Cost: 150 Euro for 2 weeks
Supplied with a user guide, a recommended therapy program & free support calls.
Photizo Vetcare relieves pain, stimulates cells to repair and heal, reduce swelling and inflammation, and stimulate the immune system in acute traumatic conditions. Photizo Vetcare is effective in treating chronic pain and inflammatory conditions associated with arthritic conditions and overuse injuries.
Please contact me for further details CLICK HERE TO SEND ME AN EMAIL
If the above link doesn't work for you (Windows) then send an email to: - Subject: Photizo Light Therapy Rental and include:
Your Name:
Contact NO:
Dates you would like to hire the Photizo Vetcare:
Animal, ie Horse, Dog, Cow, Cat, etc:
Published on Thursday, May 26 2022 by Elaine Neary