Contact Me

My work, treating animals, means I could be on the road or maybe busy treating an animal and not able to answer the phone immediately so email is the easiest way to contact me.

Drop me an email & let me know what service you are interested in and/or a brief description of your animal's problem & I will call you back as soon as I can. 

Please don't forget to include your contact telephone number. CLICK HERE TO REQUEST A CALL BACK

If the above link doesn't work for you (Windows) then send an email to:  - Subject: Request for a Call Back

and copy & paste the following into the body of your email (please complete the blank fields)

Please give a reason you wish a call back.

Please give your contact phone number & a brief history below & include animal type, age, sex & a description of any health issues, if they exist.This helps me prepare in advance of the call. 

Type your response here:

Your Name:

Contact NO:

Animal, ie Horse, Dog, Cow, Cat, etc:



A brief history:

Any other information you think relevant:

Published on Tuesday, April 26 2022 by Elaine Neary